Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Please come visit. When you do, please remember not to ask Leslie direct questions, but rather just talk about your day, what is going on in the neighborhood or your family. She is unable to respond verbally and needing to answer questions is very frustrating for her.

Also, please remember that Greg needs your support and love as well. Give him a hug.


  1. Uncle Greg and Aunt Leslie,
    I have been thinking about you both so much. You are 2 of the most amazing people I know and what an amazing example you set for me and my family. We have been wanting to visit, but we did not know if it was a good idea, but I see that it might be okay to come for a short visit. We will try to come by this week. You and your family are in our constant thoughts and prayers. We love you both so much. Lance and Jen McMaster

    You are such a great aunt and I love you so much!
    I am doing good and I would love to visit you soon.
    Love Maloree McMaster

    Hi Aunt Leslie,I am so thankful for you and I love you. Celeste McMaster

    Dear Aunt Leslie I hope that you know I love you and Uncle Greg. You are so nice and I love your big smile and hugs. From Bryson McMaster

  2. Leslie,
    You and Greg are both in our thoughts and prayers. You two have always been so kind to me and my whole family. We really appreciate your love and we love you and your family very much. Thank you for everything.

    Lena (Frasure) Rupp

  3. Greg and Leslie,

    There are few heroes in this world and Leslie is one of them! Leslie, you are a great blessing to our community. You have worked so hard and touched so many lives. You are an inspiration to all of us!

    It wasn't that long ago that we sat together in Mama Inez and enjoyed not just a good meal together, but GREAT company! It was such a treat and we were thrilled to introduce you to some of our kids.

    We want you to know of our love and concern during this difficult time. Our hearts go out to you and you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    One of my favorite quotes reminds me of Leslie. It goes "Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

    We love you and are grateful to call you family!

    Love ya tons,

    Tracy and Clark Anderson

  4. Hi Aunt Les,

    I was thinking of you today. I wondered if you knew how much fun you are. Did you know your house was my favorite to sleep over at when I was little? You always had such fun projects and hilarious activities for us to do. I remember you once drove all of us up Pocatello Creek to gather Autumn leaves. You showed us how to stick them between two layers of contact paper and we used them for place mats. I thought that was so clever. I remember you including Angie and me in your ward's talent night years and years ago. We put pillow cases over our heads that had been embellished with eyes, a nose, and lips. We danced around the stage like that, and even hidden under the pillow case, I thought I'd die laughing. I remember you letting us put egg whites on our faces before bed. I remember you rubbing melaleuca on my legs when I had growing pains at night. I remember your laugh and how your eyes squint in the most adorable way when you giggle. I hope you know how much I love you. You're the sweetest person I know. You're one of those "salt of the earth" kind of people. You're my aunt and I adore you to pieces.

    Loves and kisses,

  5. Leslie and Greg,

    I am so glad that the weather allowed me to come up yesterday and that I was able to spend time with you today! I love you both so much and am thinking of you guys and all of the fond memories that involved you and your family.

    With love,

  6. Grandpa Greg And Leslie
    Its Kayde Auger,
    my mom just called me and told me what was going on and directed me to the blog. Im all grown up now so I wanted to just say besides my mom saying it that you guys are in my prayers and will be constantly. I konw the blog said you wanted to hear about our days soo... Im going to school at Utah State I am a dual major in Business and Speech Communications. I am involved a lot with the leadership section up at school and I love it. I am also a public speaking TA it is so much fun and a great job to have. Its cold here and a lot of snow. Those are my days up here at the univeristy. I know my mom is worried and loves you both so so much and wants to be up there if she can find time to get off work and get out og Vegas.She would be typing this herself but..she is not to great at the whole blogging thing (we are working on getting her there). We Love you both and your in our prayers. Thank you for creating this blog to keep us updated.

  7. Leslie you are an incredible woman who I can tell Greg adores tremendously. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Suzy and Matt and they are definately images of their parents. You must be so proud of your accomplishments with your children.

    Greg, Suzy, and Matt: My heart goes out to you. I can't express the sadness in my heart. Much love to all of you. I think of you and pray for you often.


  8. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know my daughters and I will be praying for your comfort. You have a blessing that few have, and that is the blessing of an AMAZING family. It must bring you such happiness to have them near you. You are all quite remarkable.

    Terri Azzola

  9. Just wanted to pass on a post from Heather Jones!

    My aunt Leslie is the most amazing woman. She is there for everyone and has the most supportive, kind, loving and compassionate heart. I love you so much more than I can express. My heart is with you and all of our family. I want to share one of my favorite memories.

    I was in the hospital, had my tonsils out and you came with homemade from scratch chocolate pudding. I had to wait until a few days after the surgery to eat it, and LOVED it.

    Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for always being there and never missing anything. Thank you for being one of my mom's greatest friends. I love you and my life is better because I know you!

    Heather Jones

  10. When I needed someone the most, and when no one knew what to do for me, Leslie came and performed an angel's service. She will always be a saint in my book. Julie Taylor

  11. Aunt Leslie and Uncle Greg,
    I wish I was there to give you a hug and say thanks for all of the wonderful memories you have given me. I remember when you made the best spagetti I have ever had and whenever i came over to you house after that you would always make it for me! When I was over for the weekends you would give me vitamins!!! You loved me like your own and I loved you like my second mom. You are one of the best ladies I have known and I am better because of you. Thanks for everything are the best and I love you.
    Love Scott Romriell
