Sunday, February 28, 2010

Award from Governor

2-11-2010 Mom received the COMMENDATION for distinguished public service from Governor C.L. 'BUTCH' OTTER for her many years of dedicated service to the People of the Great State of Idaho. This certificate & letter are displayed in Mom & Dad's entry in a beautiful frame. (Sweet Aunt Denise Romriell came over as she does almost daily, saw the award & proclaimed it needed to be framed & did exactly that, had it professionally matted & framed. So thoughtful!)

Among many, MANY of her endeavours was the Lava Foundation. As referenced by this letter from Gov. Otter:
"Your many achievements are evidence of a lifetime spent changing the worked around you for the better. The fact that you have retained your position on the Lave Hot Sp[rings Foundation Board of Directors since Gov. Phil Batt appointed you in 1998 shows the confidence the Idaho Legislature and several governors have had in you. It was truly well placed.
Leslie, you have stood out among your fellow citizens in your service to the citizens in your service to the State, and your accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. You are a shining example of dedication to one's community, and i am grateful you have given your talents to Idaho over the years."

We couldn't be prouder! ~Joanne

Temple Trip

After a few rough days mom had a miraculous comeback when she learned Annabeth moved her Temple date up. Mom was far more interactive & alert. She even ate! The temple day (Saturday) was lovely. She was awake & alert through the entire session & even participated at appropriate parts. We know her angels were helping her a bunch! We all felt their love & support.
We were reminded of the strength of being an eternal family & that the connections we have with each other go beyond death. We are continually so very grateful.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday February 7, 2010

Hi friends, thank you so much for all the expressions of love & support. Mom & Dad sure appreciate them.
Mom is unable to see from her right eye & we think partially from her left eye. When visiting her be sure to stand on her left side as she won't know you're there if on her right. Also, we think she can't hear well from her right side because she tends to ignore when spoken to from that side.
Dad has developed 'their dance' for maneuvering her to or from the wheelchair. I gotta tell ya its cute!
Yesterday we checked on her after her nap (in bed) & she was sitting in her wheelchair with a huge Cheshire Cat grin! So proud of herself! Notty mommy! She makes Dad & the rest of us so nervous. She has yet to use the bike horn beside her at all times. Little stinker is still as independent as possible.
In my opinion, Dad has received the gift of interpretation of tongues as he is able to discern what Mom intends to say.
Mom continues to radiate love & gratitude to everyone around her.
Thank you for continuing to pray for their piece & comfort.
We are just so very thankful for Eternal Families!