Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Please come visit. When you do, please remember not to ask Leslie direct questions, but rather just talk about your day, what is going on in the neighborhood or your family. She is unable to respond verbally and needing to answer questions is very frustrating for her.

Also, please remember that Greg needs your support and love as well. Give him a hug.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dear friends, We are creating this communication method to keep all of you informed as to the latest developments with our dear Leslie. As some of you may know, it is exhausting to try to keep everyone informed during a crisis like this and we feel all of our energies and attention need to be focused on Les and her comfort and needs.

We will update this blog periodically as new information becomes available so check it often. Please feel free to post notes to Les here as well. We will read the messages to her every day, so keep 'em coming!

Here is what we know so far:
Leslie has been diagnosed with a very large, Stage 3-4, inoperable primary brain tumor called a Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). It is on the left temperal region, extends down to the basal ganglia and the brain stem, crossing over to the right hemisphere. Five neurosurgeons have been consulted, so we feel confident the correct diagnosis and prognosis have been given to us.

Her life expectancy is quite short - three to six months. She is quickly losing her verbal communication skills and has begun to have problems walking. She is, however, alert but unable to respond. If you visit please do not direct questions to her as her inability to respond is quite frustrating. Rather, just chat with her, telling her about your day, etc.

Hospice has been contacted and they will be monitoring her medical needs and symptoms. As a family, we are going to manage her personal non-medical needs ourselves for as long as we can with one of us taking a 24-hour shift during the week and then Greg taking over on the weekends.

Of course your prayers and support are much appreciated and needed, so please remember Leslie.

We thank you for all your love and prayers.